Who is Misty Eve?

Learning the meaning of the word “Responsibility” was a tough one for me. When you are being Responsible… that means you Know what’s right and so you Do what’s right. But how do you know what’s right?

Is mom or dad always right?
Is my spouse always right?
Is the church always right?

What’s always right? I have learned that ‘checking in with my feelings’ is pretty accurate indication. I can Feel which choice is better for me by the way I Feel when I think about it.

When I came to Eli’s lecture in 1971 it wasn’t long before the entire room suddenly lit up with the light of everyone’s aura, much to my amazement!! That never happened before! What was going on here? My feelings were telling me I had to find out more.

I finished the philosophy course and was initiated but quickly realized if I was going to learn all about this I had to learn it from Eli. So I sold and gave away everything that wouldn’t fit in a van and went to Arkansas.

Soon after arriving I eagerly became his personal secretary while he was inspired to write seven “Books of Wisdom”. He was amazing to watch. It was as if he was listening intently and then writing, listening and writing. He wrote down each lesson as it came to him. I typed it up. His wife, Alloday, proofread it correcting mostly my typing errors, and then it was copied and distributed by snail mail. He called it a correspondence mystery school.

He had a great many students. Those living in cities were organized into groups or councils where leaders were chosen to present new lessons to the group. I helped initiate and taught the leaders Eli’s wonderful Good Medicine system of council leaders teaching, older students helping the younger ones to improve their magical practice, while all learned from the natural medicine lessons and grew from their love and concern for each other.

Shortly before Eli’s passing I had a vision where I saw the Earth from far away in a Sacred manner. I saw that all living things were cells in her body, and I saw that she was with child. A new consciousness was developing. I saw that I was one of the cells in this new child’s body. And I knew right then it was time to find the others! Am I looking for you?

There are a great many souls being born into this critical time who have come to help push us in the right direction. I bet You are one of these!!

I believe the Magic and Natural Medicine of the Good Medicine Society is here to help us all with this effort! You are a child of the Creator. You are growing into our Creator’s likeness to one day become a creator in your own right. You are more powerful than you know!

Let me show you how to connect with this new consciousness… all you need to know is how to access that place of Truth Within yourself.

I have a 45 minute talk I could present to you and your group about what the Good Medicine Society has to offer. Please contact me for scheduling at misty.eve9@gmail.com

Walk in Balance,

Misty Eve Gatoga