Thank you for your interest in Good Medicine. These lessons were given to us by our teacher, Eli Gatoga (1916-1983). Eli was by heritage Scotch-Irish and Cherokee. This first basic course in his progressive series of lessons connects the concepts of Good Medicine with the Native American Ways.
Over the years, we have had wonderful response to our Philosophy of Good Medicine course. There are folks who are delighted with new ideas presented, and others who feel as if they have come home to ideas or attitudes they already hold. Many of you may have memories of people from your past who have, by words and actions, taught you many of the principles discussed here. These lessons may serve as the next step in your quest for understanding.
Many sources have been researched and quoted to show the far-reaching scope of these teachings. The bibliography at the end of the series contains a useful list of references. As you apply the principles learned and continue to search for truth in Nature, you will be further guided by the deepening understanding which comes from personal experience.
These are Eli’s teachings. We present them as closely as possible to the way they were given to us, his students. As you work through the lessons, remember that the concept of Good Medicine was paramount in his work. Allow yourself to focus on its presence in your mind and your heart. Recognize it in your life.
Extensive referencing of Eli’s statements and ideas is not possible. The advent of the internet, however, and its now common accessibility in homes, libraries, and other locations, makes it especially easy for students to search for more background information regarding any statement or concept in this course that they wish to pursue.
Some of you may be planning to study these lessons in person with an authorized teacher of the Good Medicine Society. If so, we hope you enjoy your discussions. Feel free to call or write if you have any questions you wish to direct to us here.
If you are studying with me through correspondence or online, please work through each lesson as directed on the Weekly Assignment Sheet. Although there may be very few questions for a day’s assignment, do only the assignment for that day. Give yourself some time to think about each day’s topic before you write your response. This is how Eli intended that his teachings be given—slowly, enabling you to effectively absorb and comprehend the concepts presented.
Send in your answers for each lesson as soon as the lesson is completed. You may begin working on the next lesson as soon as your work for the previous one is sent.
If you are using standard mail, please enclose a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope if you can, to help me with the cost of your postage. I personally pay for the postage of those who don’t help me with this cost, however, I don’t want to turn anyone away because it is a hardship for you to pay for your own stamps. We also accept email or Microsoft Word attachments, and provide lessons over the internet, which cost nothing to send.
Please keep your answers in a notebook devoted only to Good Medicine Society studies, together with the lessons themselves. You’ll need this notebook if you intend to pursue further teachings. Upon completion of The Philosophy of Good Medicine, you will be advised of the options available to you should you choose to continue your studies.
I have moved the main office to the Boonville, Missouri address, so always address your correspondence to this Post Office box, as they no longer forward mail from my former address. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the lessons. May these studies help you find a true understanding of your place within the whole of Creation.
Click here to download Lesson 1.
Click here to download Lesson 2.
or write to:
Good Medicine Society
P.O. Box 293
Boonville, Missouri 65233
Walk in Balance,
Misty Eve, Elder
Good Medicine